De Buena Planta - Plaza en Ouagadougou

Square in Ouagadougou

Square in Ouagadougou

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

A high quality space is created in the center of the plot following three main criteria: native vegetation, a planting system coherent with the existing land and zoning generated by circulatory flows.

The poor quality of the existing land forces the creation of small topographies by collecting higher quality soil, allowing the planting and subsequent development of the selected species.

The topographies generate three mounds framed on their external perimeter by walls. On the interior side the slope softens, generating a secluded and shaded space. This central space is enhanced by the choice of three large species that represent each of the flower beds that organize it. In each of the flower beds there are three flat gravel areas intended for play areas.


Photographs © Albert Faus