Jardinería en Vivienda de Cadaqués

Gardening in Homes in Cadaqués

Gardening in Homes in Cadaqués

Girona 2016

With Arquitectura-G.

We were asked to carry out the botanical organization of the entire surroundings of this house designed by Arquitectura G.

Throughout the perimeter it was proposed to continue with species that appear spontaneously in the area such as Shrub Oleas, Pistaceas and Arbutus, creating a thick screen that surrounds the architecture and functions as a mirror of the environment.

The planters that come out of the same pool contain aromatics that dialogue with the succulents and Mediterranean species on the adjacent terraces. The grass area is planted with meadow species, avoiding the use of other ornamentals.

Centennial olive trees are planted at the entrances and pine trees are planted at the edges of the garden to block views towards a nearby hotel.


Photographs © De Buena Planta and © José Hevia