De Buena Planta - Jardín de Metis

Metis Garden

Metis Garden

The precise moment, 2013

Contest. With Marcos Ruiz de Clavijo

The passage of time is one of the main elements of a garden. Time modifies its image responding to its inherent dynamics that work at different scales. Changes in shade, color or volume vary at different speeds. For this reason, the image that shows a garden at a precise moment is somewhat volatile, it lasts only a moment, and that specific second disappears giving rise to new images.

Our proposal talks about how the geometry of a formal garden fades to transform into the so-called “Garden in Motion”.

An irregular metal fence surrounds a flower bed on all four sides. This item works as an XL cross stitch canvas. The complete embroidered drawing can only be read from a specific point in the garden, when perspective allows the lines on the four sides of the fence to overlap. The image it shows is that of the original geometric plantation that, as it grows, has lost its initial shape, speaking of the constant renewal of the landscape.


Photographs © De Buena Planta