De Buena Planta - Jardín Valeta

Valeta Garden

Valeta Garden

Sant Gervasi, Barcelona 2024

This small garden houses a wide variety of native and climate-adapted species. The species were arranged according to their tones and volumes to achieve a floral explosion. Or rather several throughout the different seasons. In addition to these aesthetic purposes, the project aims to achieve strong, beautiful and “self-sufficient” vegetation in the future. With little maintenance and low irrigation requirements, it can become a garden (almost) without irrigation in the future.

List of species:Eremophilla nivea, Grevillea lanigera, Lavandula candicans, Salvia nactvlinder, S ‘peach’, Achillea terracotta, Echinops ritro, Euphorbia myrsinites, Dianella revoluta, Limonium perezzi, Prunus avium, Retama monosperma, Rosa sp., Viburnum opulus, Bouganvillea sandoriana, Bignonia ricasoliana, Wisteria sinensis, Festuca glauca, Armeria maritime.


Photographs © De Buena Planta